Département d'économique
Pavillon J.-A.-DeSève, bureau 2264
1025 avenue des Sciences humaines
Université Laval
Québec (Québec) G1V 0A6
Publications récentes – Revues à comité de lecture
Beaudreau, B. C., & Taylor, J. E. (2018). Why did the Roosevelt administration think cartels, higher wages, and shorter workweeks would promote recovery from the great depression?. The Independent Review, 23(1), 91-107.
Beaudreau, B. (2018, April). A Pull-Push Theory of Industrial Revolutions. In Proceedings of International Academic Conferences (No. 7508525). International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2021). Protestant Refugees, the Calvinist Ethic and the Industrial Revolution. Atlantic Economic Journal, 1-19.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2020). The Economics of Speed: Machine Speed as the Key Factor in Productivity. Springer International Publishing.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2020). The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act Revisited. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2018). Electrification, the Smoot-Hawley tariff bill and the stock market boom and crash of 1929: evidence from longitudinal data. Journal of Economics and Finance, 42(4), 631-650.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2019). How Roosevelt Transformed the National Industrial Recovery Act. International Advances in Economic Research, 25(4), 375-388.
Beaudreau, B. C. (Ed.). (2019). The Stock Market Boom and Crash of 1929 was Not a Bubble: A Book of Readings. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2019). The Roaring Twenties-Turning Up the Volume. Lulu. com.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2021). Science and the Wealth of Nations: The Physics of Economic Growth. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Colander, D., Zaman, A., Beaudreau, B. C., Bäuerle, L., Lianos, T. P., Coulter, J. E., ... & Nelson, J. A. (2020). real-world economics review. Complexity.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2020). The value of “thinking like an economist”. real-world economics review, 45.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2018). Technological and Institutional Crossroads: The Life and Times of Adolf A. Berle Jr. Seattle UL Rev., 42, 345.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2018). On the Origins of The Modern Corporation and Private Property. Seattle UL Rev., 42, 327.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2020). Machine Speed and the Great Depression. In The Economics of Speed: Machine Speed as the Key Factor in Productivity (pp. 89-118). Springer, Cham.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2020). The Kinetics Approach to Production. In The Economics of Speed: Machine Speed as the Key Factor in Productivity (pp. 29-55). Springer, Cham.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2020). The Magic Hand of Speed: A Historical Account. In The Economics of Speed: Machine Speed as the Key Factor in Productivity (pp. 5-28). Springer, Cham.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2020). The End of the Age of Speed and the Productivity Slowdown. In The Economics of Speed: Machine Speed as the Key Factor in Productivity (pp. 71-88). Springer, Cham.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2018). The enigmatization of economic growth. real-world economics review, 92.
Beaudreau, B. C. (2020). Speed-ups: Logistics and Profitability. In The Economics of Speed: Machine Speed as the Key Factor in Productivity (pp. 57-70). Springer, Cham.
Intérêts de recherche
Organisation industrielle
Théorie des jeux
Économie internationale
La firme multinationale
Économie régionale
Projets de recherche en cours
Tininnimiutait: Assessing the potential of local marine foods accessible from the shore to increase food security and sovereignty in Nunavik
Programme: Sentinelle Nord - Deuxième appel à projets majeurs
Organisme(s) subventionnaire(s): Secrétariat des programmes interorganismes à l’intention des établissements
Type de financement: Subvention
Établissement tête: Université Laval
Du 1 novembre 2020 au 31 décembre 2024