Directeur de recherche INRA
4 allée Adolphe Bobierre - CS 61103-35011 Rennes cedex
Publications récentes – Revues à comité de lecture
Mechouar, Y., Hovelaque, V., & Gaigne, C. (2022). Effect of raw material substitution on the facility location decision under a carbon tax policy. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 11, 100061.
Gaigné, C., Koster, H. R., Moizeau, F., & Thisse, J. F. (2022). Who lives where in the city? Amenities, commuting and income sorting. Journal of Urban Economics, 128, 103394.
Gaigne, C., Larue, B., & Zongo, W. J. B. (2022). On Export Duration Puzzles [Les énigmes de la durée des exportations] (No. hal-03578755).
Duvaleix, S., Emlinger, C., Gaigné, C., & Latouche, K. (2021). Geographical indications and trade: Firm-level evidence from the French cheese industry. Food Policy, 102, 102118.
Moizeau, F., Gaigné, C., Koster, H., & Thisse, J. F. (2021). Who Lives Where in the City? Amenities, Commuting and Income Sorting. Journal of Urban Economics.
Gaigné, C., & Tamini, L. D. (2021). Environmental Taxation and Import Demand for Environmental Goods: Theory and Evidence from the European Union. Environmental and Resource Economics, 78(2), 307-352.
Cheptea, A., & Gaigné, C. (2020). Russian food embargo and the lost trade. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 47(2), 684-718.
Gaigné, C., Latouche, K., & Turolla, S. (2020). Compétitivité internationale du secteur agroalimentaire français: c’est quoi le problème?. In Annales des Mines-Realites industrielles (No. 2, pp. 21-29). FFE.
Gaigné, C., Hovelaque, V., & Méchouar, Y. (2020). Carbon tax and sustainable facility location: The role of production technology. International Journal of Production Economics, 224, 107562.
De Sousa, J., Disdier, A. C., & Gaigné, C. (2020). Export decision under risk. European Economic Review, 121, 103342.
Gaigné, C., & Sanch-Maritan, M. (2019). City size and the risk of being unemployed. Job pooling vs. job competition. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 77, 222-238.
Guerra, F., Gaigné, C., & Turolla, S. (2019). Product quality and export volatility in international trade: an empirical assessment. In 10. Conference on" Industrial Organization and the Food Industry “ (pp. 29-p).
Gaigné, C. (2019). Compétitivité des filières animales françaises: une synthèse des résultats. In Commission Filiere animale FranceAgriMer (pp. 23-p).
Gaigné, C., Latouche, K., & Turolla, S. (2018). Vertical Ownership and Export Performance: Firm‐Level Evidence from the Food Industry. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(1), 46-72.
Duvaleix-Tréguer, S., Emlinger, C., Gaigné, C., & Latouche, K. (2018). Appellations d’origine: un atout pour l’export?. La Lettre du CEPII, (393), 1-4.
Duvaleix-Treguer, S., Emlinger, C., Gaigné, C., & Latouche, K. (2018). On the competitiveness effects of quality labels: Evidence from French cheese industry. In 30. International conférence of agricultural economists (pp. 21-p).
Gaigné, C. (2018). Urbanisation et Développement Durable. In Artificialisation: constats et analyse des déterminants (pp. 25-p).
Denant-Boemont, L., Gaigné, C., & Gaté, R. (2018). Urban spatial structure, transport-related emissions and welfare. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 89, 29-45.
Intérêts de recherche
Commerce international et restructuration industrielle
Urbanisation, localisation des activités et environnement
Filières animales et territoire