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Ricardo Alvarez Daziano

Professeur agrégé

Cornell University, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 305 Hollister Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853

Tél.: 607 255-2018

Publications récentes dans des revues arbitrées

Dong, X., Guerra, E., Daziano, R. A., Chatterjee, P., & Kovalova, N. (2022). Investigating the preferences between shared and non-shared ride-hailing services across user groups. Case Studies on Transport Policy10(4), 2290-2299.

Daziano, R. A. (2022). A choice experiment assessment of stated early response to COVID-19 vaccines in the USA. Health Economics Review, 12(1), 1-16.

Waygood, E. O. D., Wang, B., Daziano, R. A., Patterson, Z., & Braun Kohlová, M. (2022). The climate change stage of change measure: Vehicle choice experiment. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 65(7), 1210-1239.

Daziano, R. A. (2022). Willingness to delay charging of electric vehicles. Research in Transportation Economics, 101177.

Bansal, P., Keshavarzzadeh, V., Guevara, A., Li, S., & Daziano, R. A. (2022). Designed quadrature to approximate integrals in maximum simulated likelihood estimation. The Econometrics Journal, 25(2), 301-321.

Yoon, S. Y., & Daziano, R. A. (2022). Social distancing and store choice in times of a pandemic. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65(C).

Rossetti, T., & Daziano, R. (2022). How does self-assessed health status relate to preferences for cycling infrastructure? A latent class and latent variable approach. Transportation, 1-16.

Yoon, S. Y., & Daziano, R. A. (2022). Social distancing and store choice in times of a pandemic. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 65(C).

Naseri, H., Waygood, E. O. D., Wang, B., Patterson, Z., & Daziano, R. A. (2021). A novel feature selection technique to better predict climate change stage of change. Sustainability, 14(1), 40.

Daziano, R. A., Yoon, S. Y., & Wang, C. (2021). Improving immersive, highly realistic in-lab, cycling experiences for analyzing active travel (No. 69A3551747119). Cornell University. Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health.(CTECH).

Romero‐Espinosa, D., Sarrias, M., & Daziano, R. (2021). Are preferences for city attributes heterogeneous? An assessment using a discrete choice experiment. Papers in Regional Science, 100(1), 251-272.

Dong, X., Guerra, E., & Daziano, R. A. (2021). Impact of TNC on travel behavior and mode choice: a comparative analysis of Boston and Philadelphia. Transportation, 1-21.

Naseri, H., Waygood, E. O. D., Wang, B., Patterson, Z., & Daziano, R. A. (2021). A novel feature selection technique to better predict climate change stage of change. Sustainability, 14(1), 40.

Wang, B., Waygood, E. O. D., Daziano, R. A., Patterson, Z., & Feinberg, M. (2021). Does hedonic framing improve people’s willingness-to-pay for vehicle greenhouse gas emissions?. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 98, 102973.

Daziano, R., Waygood, E. O. D., Patterson, Z., Feinberg, M., & Wang, B. (2021). Reframing greenhouse gas emissions information presentation on the Environmental Protection Agency’s new-vehicle labels to increase willingness to pay. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123669.

Etzioni, S., Daziano, R. A., Ben-Elia, E., & Shiftan, Y. (2021). Preferences for shared automated vehicles: A hybrid latent class modeling approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 125, 103013.

Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., Daziano, R. A., Rashidi, T. H., & Bansal, P. (2021). Evaluating the predictive abilities of mixed logit models with unobserved inter-and intra-individual heterogeneity. Journal of choice modelling, 41, 100323.

Daziano, R. A., Yoon, S. Y., & Wang, C. (2021). Improving immersive, highly realistic in-lab, cycling experiences for analyzing active travel (No. 69A3551747119). Cornell University. Center for Transportation, Environment, and Community Health.(CTECH).

Etzioni, S., Daziano, R. A., Ben-Elia, E., & Shiftan, Y. (2021). Preferences for shared automated vehicles: A hybrid latent class modeling approach. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 125, 103013.

Bansal, P., Krueger, R., Bierlaire, M., Daziano, R. A., & Rashidi, T. H. (2020). Bayesian estimation of mixed multinomial logit models: Advances and simulation-based evaluations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 131, 124-142.

Bansal, P., Liu, Y., Daziano, R., & Samaranayake, S. (2020). Impact of discerning reliability preferences of riders on the demand for mobility-on-demand services. Transportation Letters, 12(10), 677-681.

Daziano, R. A. (2020). Flexible customer willingness to pay for bundled smart home energy products and services. Resource and Energy Economics, 61, 101175.

Dubey, S., Bansal, P., Daziano, R. A., & Guerra, E. (2020). A generalized continuous-multinomial response model with a t-distributed error kernel. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 133, 114-141.

Bansal, P., Sinha, A., Dua, R., & Daziano, R. A. (2020). Eliciting preferences of TNC users and drivers: evidence from the United States. Travel Behaviour and Society, 20, 225-236.

Guerra, E., & Daziano, R. A. (2020). Electric vehicles and residential parking in an urban environment: Results from a stated preference experiment. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 79, 102222.

Bansal, P., Hurtubia, R., Tirachini, A., & Daziano, R. A. (2019). Flexible estimates of heterogeneity in crowding valuation in the New York City subway. Journal of choice modelling, 31, 124-140.

Bansal, P., Sinha, A., Dua, R., & Daziano, R. (2019). Eliciting Preferences of Ridehailing Users and Drivers: Evidence from the United States. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.06695.

Bansal, P., Liu, Y., Daziano, R., & Samaranayake, S. (2019). Can Mobility-on-Demand services do better after discerning reliability preferences of riders?. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.07987.

Bansal, P., Daziano, R. A., & Sunder, N. (2019). Arriving at a decision: A semi-parametric approach to institutional birth choice in India. Journal of choice modelling, 31, 86-103.

Wang, Z., Xue, M., Wang, Y., Song, M., Li, S., Daziano, R. A., ... & Zhang, B. (2019). Big data: New tend to sustainable consumption research. Journal of Cleaner Production, 236, 117499.

Liu, Y., Bansal, P., Daziano, R., & Samaranayake, S. (2019). A framework to integrate mode choice in the design of mobility-on-demand systems. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 105, 648-665.

Bansal, P., & Daziano, R. A. (2018). Influence of choice experiment designs on eliciting preferences for autonomous vehicles. Transportation Research Procedia, 32, 474-481.

Bansal, P., Daziano, R. A., & Achtnicht, M. (2018). Extending the logit-mixed logit model for a combination of random and fixed parameters. Journal of choice modelling, 27, 88-96.

Sarrias, M., & Daziano, R. A. (2018). Individual-specific point and interval conditional estimates of latent class logit parameters. Journal of choice modelling, 27, 50-61.

Bansal, P., Daziano, R. A., & Achtnicht, M. (2018). Comparison of parametric and semiparametric representations of unobserved preference heterogeneity in logit models. Journal of choice modelling, 27, 97-113.

Wang, C., Sun, J., Russell Jr, R., & Daziano, R. A. (2018). Analyzing willingness to improve the resilience of New York City's transportation system. Transport Policy, 69, 10-19.

Bansal, P., Daziano, R. A., & Guerra, E. (2018). Minorization-Maximization (MM) algorithms for semiparametric logit models: Bottlenecks, extensions, and comparisons. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 115, 17-40.

Daziano, R. A., & Farooq, B. (2018). Workshop Synthesis: New directions in experimental design. Transportation Research Procedia, 32, 448-453.

Intérêts de recherche

Économétrie appliquée ; Économie des transports ; Économie de l'environnement.